Are travel Wi-Fi routers secure?

Last week at Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit (the SAS), there was a lot of cool research that made you think. Although a lot of talks centered on deep APT research and threats to businesses, there were a few sessions where consumer security was shown to be at risk as well. One such talk was…

Brazilian Malware Never Sleeps: Meet EmbusteBot

IBM Research — Haifa Labs continually invests in the research and development of advanced malware analysis solutions that enhance IBM’s ability to quickly detect and neutralize malware as new and challenging threats arise. Our ongoing observations of the Brazilian cybercriminal landscape have revealed a perpetual rise in new malicious campaigns in this region of the…

23% of security pros are blind to encrypted traffic threats

According to a Venafi survey conducted at RSA Conference 2017, 23 percent of respondents have no idea how much of their encrypted traffic is decrypted and inspected. “Encryption offers the perfect cover for cyber criminals,” said Kevin Bocek, chief security strategist for Venafi. “It’s alarming that almost one out of four security professionals doesn’t know…

Tax season security tips: Protect yourself from cybercrime

Between December 2016 and February 2017, IBM X-Force researchers saw a 6,000 percent increase in tax-related spam emails. The researchers see this increase and other factors as evidence that cybercriminals are not slowing down their attacks in the days leading up to Tax Day 2017. IBM’s analysis found that historically 54 million of Americans who…

Things to Consider Before Implementing Advanced Network Security

Today’s networked world is constantly shifting, and the number and type of devices it connects changes minute by minute. The combination of in-house computing, cloud-based resources and a mobile workforce armed with a growing diversity of devices means advanced network security systems need to be both flexible and agile to detect intrusion and malware activities….

Tech support scammers and their banking woes

We all know about tech support scams by this point. We know how they cold call, lie their way into your computer, and steal your money. Unfortunately for the scammers, banks know this as well, making it quite difficult at times to maintain an account to store the criminal’s ill-gotten gains. So how does the…

Free Nintendo Switch emulators are fake

Fake emulators for newly released Nintendo console used as bait to get users to fill out survey scams and download potentially unwanted applications. Over the last few weeks, scammers have been trying to dupe users into believing that a software emulator exists for the Nintendo Switch, the company’s newest console that was released on March…

Most Android devices lack latest security patches

Nearly three-quarters of Android devices on the five biggest U.S. carriers are running on security patches that are at least two months old, putting them at greater risk of being hacked. That finding was made in an analysis released Thursday by Skycure, a mobile threat defense vendor. The report also found that the city of Boston…