An unknown threat actor may have accessed critical information on US chemical facilities by compromising the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) earlier this year. Data the adversary may have accessed includes the types and quantities of chemicals stored at different facilities, facility-specific security vulnerability assessments, site security plans,…

The U.K. government released voluntary guidance intended to help artificial intelligence developers and vendors protect models from hacking and potential sabotage. Released on Wednesday, the British government’s AI code of practice lists recommendations such as monitoring AI system behavior and performing model testing. “Organizations in the U.K. face a complex cybersecurity landscape, and we want…

The concept of “responsible radical transparency” plays a critical role in efforts to improve the state of cybersecurity, said Suzanne Spaulding, former undersecretary, Department of Homeland Security, and Jim Richberg, head of global policy and field CISO as security firm Fortinet. “The shelf life of secrets is vanishingly short,” Spaulding said. “There are tremendous costs…

Since the pandemic forced unprecedented adoption of remote access and delivery of government services, telehealth, and education, cybersecurity has rapidly shot to the top of priority lists for IT leaders. What was once a shiny object that agencies didn’t have the resources to implement is now mission critical. However, governments are grappling with several challenges…

Amid serious cyberattacks by Russian and Chinese threat actors, the Biden administration issued a new National Security Memorandum (NSM-22) to update Presidential Policy Director 21 (PPD-21) from the Obama administration to secure and enhance the resilience of US critical infrastructure in “a comprehensive effort to protect US infrastructure against all threats and hazards, current and…

Russian nation-state hackers have exploited a recent Microsoft email compromise to steal the emails of government agencies, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has reiterated in a new alert. The warning ordered agencies to urgently check their email systems for signs of compromise and report back by April 30 if they believe specific…

Globally, cybersecurity threats continue to accelerate in pace and scale with rising malware and deepfake attacks. Over a third of organizations worldwide suffered a material cyber incident from malicious actors in the past year, while 73% were affected by ransomware attacks in 2023. With these cyberattacks come serious financial costs — global damages total an…

One of the most common misconceptions in file upload cybersecurity is that certain tools are “enough” on their own—this is simply not the case. In our latest whitepaper OPSWAT CEO and Founder, Benny Czarny, takes a comprehensive look at what it takes to prevent malware threats in today’s ever-evolving file upload security landscape, and a…