Flaws in Hyundai App Allowed Hackers to Steal Cars

South Korean carmaker Hyundai has released updates for its Blue Link mobile applications to address vulnerabilities that could have been exploited by hackers to locate, unlock and start vehicles. The Blue Link application, available for both iOS and Android devices, allows users to remotely access and monitor their car. The list of features provided by…

Putting IoT Security Front and Center

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just hype anymore. It is taking off at an enormous rate, and the predictions of 20 billion connected devices by 2020now sound entirely likely. But as it takes off, so do IoT security challenges for both enterprises and consumers. Obstacles range from software updating issues to employee education…

Things to Consider Before Implementing Advanced Network Security

Today’s networked world is constantly shifting, and the number and type of devices it connects changes minute by minute. The combination of in-house computing, cloud-based resources and a mobile workforce armed with a growing diversity of devices means advanced network security systems need to be both flexible and agile to detect intrusion and malware activities….

Apple: CIA’s Mac, iPhone Vulnerabilities Already Patched

Apple’s initial analysis of the iPhone and Mac exploits disclosed by WikiLeaks on Thursday shows that the vulnerabilities they use have already been patched. The company told WikiLeaks to send the information it possesses through the regular submission process. WikiLeaks’ second “Vault 7” dump, dubbed by the organization “Dark Matter,” includes documents describing tools allegedly…

BrandPost: Countering the risks of cyberattacks posed by mobile apps

We’ve all become somewhat jaded when hearing about the billions of mobile devices being used by corporate employees and individual consumers (with individual devices increasingly used across both business and personal settings). Somewhat less well known – and still surprising – is the number of mobile apps active in the typical corporation. One recent assessment by Skyhigh Networks found that the average organization uses 1,427 cloud services, each represented…

The Enterprise Mobility Conundrum: How to Control the Data?

What’s not to like about a good bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy? For most companies, BYOD is a great deal. Employees buy and maintain the devices, and the company gets the benefit of their off-hours availability and productivity while traveling. Nearly three-quarters of organizations with enterprise mobility initiatives have adopted a plan to establish a BYOD policy….

This tiny chip could revolutionize smartphone and IOT security

Engineers at South Korea’s SK Telecom have developed a tiny chip that could help secure communications on a myriad of portable electronics and IOT devices. The chip is just 5 millimeters square — smaller than a fingernail — and is capable of generating mathematically provable random numbers. Such numbers are the basis for highly-secure encryption…

Trojan Downloader Masquerades as Defunct Flash Player for Android

A recently observed malware downloader targeting Android users is masquerading as an update for Adobe Flash Player, ESET researchers warn. Although the Flash Player for Android was discontinued nearly half a decade ago, cybercriminals are still abusing it to trick unsuspecting users into downloading and installing their malicious programs. As always, the attackers rely on…

Google Paid Out $9 Million in Bug Bounties Since 2010

Google has awarded researchers more than $9 million since the launch of its bug bounty program in 2010, including over $3 million paid out last year. According to the company, more than 1,000 payments were made last year to roughly 350 researchers from 59 countries. The biggest single reward was $100,000 and over $130,000 were…

Protecting Your Staff in Co-Working Spaces

Four walls, a sea of cubicles and the rest of the traditional office accoutrements are no longer standard in the working world. The number of innovative co-working spaces continues to rise around the world, and this doesn’t even include coffee shops, libraries and numerous other public places that offer free Wi-Fi. That means that your…