Ransomware Gangs Exploit ESXi Bug for Instant, Mass Encryption of VMs


Multiple ransomware groups have been weaponizing an authentication bypass bug in VMware ESXi hypervisors to quickly deploy malware across virtualized environments.

VMware assigned the bug (CVE-2024-37085) a “medium” 6.8 out of 10 score on the CVSS scale. The average score is largely due to the fact that it requires an attacker to have existing permissions in a target’s Active Directory (AD).

If they do have AD access, however, attackers can cause significant damage. With no technical trickery whatsoever, they can use CVE-2024-37085 to instantly scale up their ESXi privileges to the max, opening the door to ransomware deployment, data exfiltration, lateral movement, and more. Groups like Storm-0506 (aka Black Basta), Storm-1175, Manatee Tempest (part of Evil Corp), and Octo Tempest (aka Scattered Spider) have already tried it out, deploying ransomware such as Black Basta and Akira.
