Cybersecurity researchers said an experiment in developing a fake, malicious extension for the world’s most popular integrated development environment succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. Researchers Amit Assaraf, Itay Kruk, and Idan Dardikman uploaded an extension to Microsoft source code editing platform Visual Studio Code masquerading as “Dracula Official,” a color theme that records nearly 7.2…

Pervasive discontent with legacy SIEM offerings and Cisco’s proposed acquisition of Splunk has driven “a significant and pronounced increase in interest” in CrowdStrike’s SIEM offering. The Austin, Texas-based cybersecurity titan’s SIEM tool hit the $100 million annual recurring revenue milestone in the most recent quarter thanks to LogScale’s search speed, data gravity and cost efficiency,…

It turns out SIEM isn’t on life support after all. Cisco is providing 28 billion reasons to believe enterprises aren’t scrapping the security operations center staple anytime soon. Rivals with other types of security technology have attempted to write SIEM’s obituary for years. In December 2022, Palo Alto Networks CEO Nikesh Arora said, “I feel…

Dragos Industrial cybersecurity company Dragos disclosed a likely attempted ransomware attack. In a post it characterizes as a bid to destigmatize security events, the company said a “known cybersecurity group” attempted but failed to gain control of a Dragos system. It did retrieve 25 intelligence reports normally only available to customers. The group pivoted to…

Let’s face it – although small to medium enterprises – SMEs – do not have the security resources larger enterprise possess, they face the same risks. Building a comprehensive, cohesive, effective security tech stack is extremely difficult, especially when operating with a limited budget and resources. So how can SMEs achieve enterprise-grade cybersecurity to protect…

In this exclusive SecurityWeek virtual event, defenders from the trenches will share use cases, best practices, insights for adopting tools and processes, and war stories to help make security operations centers (SOCs) more effective and efficient. Attendees can immerse themselves in a virtual environment to discuss the latest security operations trends and challenges and gain…

Alert overload still plagues the cybersecurity industry, according to Critical Start. Forty-seven percent of respondents reported personally investigating 10 to 20 alerts each day, a 12% increase from 2019. Moreover, 25% of respondents said they investigate 21 to 40 alerts each day, up from 14% the year prior. “Just like businesses and organizations from both…

Several factors are converging to exert pressure on how security operations centers (SOCs) traditionally function. Evolving information technology (IT) infrastructure, such as cloud migration, serverless services and endpoints being off-network, are straining existing SOC methodologies and tooling. The attack surface is expanding as a result of the distributed workforce and adoption of cloud-based infrastructure and…