The Cybercrime Landscape Is Evolving — Will Your Mobile Threat Defense Strategy Keep Up?

As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, organizations must adapt their security strategies to account for the enlarged threat surface. While mobility undeniably helps organizations boost productivity, it also creates considerable weaknesses in the IT environment. How can companies strike a balance between giving employees the 24/7 access they need to perform their jobs and protecting…

Keys to Crafting a Winning Mobile Security: Customers Weigh In

Experience is a valuable teacher, especially when you’re able to learn lessons from others who have taken similar journeys. That’s why we recently polled some of our most successful mobile security customers. They had valuable stories to share about the process they underwent evaluating and implementing mobile security solutions. We wanted to know the backstory:…

Mobile first: Security concerns and solutions

The majority of people – 83%, in fact – use their mobile devices to go online. 89% of these users connect to the internet via a mobile device every day. However, their security is severely lacking in almost all aspects. As advanced as their connectivity is, mobile users rarely know how to ensure their device safety. 28% of…

No Rest for the Weary: Mobile Hackers are Getting More Aggressive

Another year, another increase in the number of mobile threats, vulnerabilities, and outdated mobile devices. So, what gives? If the headlines have you thinking that mobile security is getting worse, you’re not imagining things. We have just published the quarterly Mobile Threat Intelligence Report to dig into the 2017 numbers a bit.  The report is based on…

Young People May Shun Passwords, But That Doesn’t Mean They’re Less Identity-Conscious

Pity the poor password. Maligned for years, it’s nevertheless still hanging on as the dominant form of access and identity protection for online accounts of all types. Despite years of industrywide efforts to educate users about the importance of employing difficult-to-guess passwords, the list of the most frequently used passwords has changed little. One analysis of 10…

Samsung Smartphones Get Encrypted Communications

KoolSpan this week announced a partnership with Samsung to implement secure communications on Samsung smartphones. KoolSpan, a provider of encrypted secure voice and messaging solutions for mobiles, is already offering secure communications to enterprises. With support for mainstream phones, which are normally used within organizations, the solutions bring end-to-end encryption to all internal calls and…

3 Million New Android Malware Samples Discovered in 2017

More than 3 million new malware samples targeting the Android operating system were discovered in 2017, marking a slight decrease from the previous year, G Data reports. The security firm counted 3,002,482 new Android malware samples during 2017, at an average of 8,225 per day, or 343 new malware samples every hour. Although the number…

The future of smartphone security: Hardware isolation

Mobile spyware has become increasingly more ubiquitous in corporate networks and devices. In a 2017 study, Check Point has found that out of the 850 organizations that they queried, 100% had experienced a mobile malware attack at least once in the past. To date, most cybersecurity companies have focused either on software-only or built-in hardware…