Over the last decade, social engineering cyberthreats have surged among retailers just as the sector’s reliance on customer data, financial transactions and e-commerce platforms has intensified. Social engineering, in which malicious actors exploit human vulnerabilities to obtain personal or financial information, can pose serious risks to retailers. As a result, chief information security officers and…

The concept of “responsible radical transparency” plays a critical role in efforts to improve the state of cybersecurity, said Suzanne Spaulding, former undersecretary, Department of Homeland Security, and Jim Richberg, head of global policy and field CISO as security firm Fortinet. “The shelf life of secrets is vanishingly short,” Spaulding said. “There are tremendous costs…

If you’re concerned about the increased threat of cyberattacks by state-sponsored hackers and hacktivist groups in the current geopolitical atmosphere, you’re certainly justified. Criminal groups are emerging from the shadows and pledging their allegiance to Russia. They’re conducting reconnaissance attacks and coalescing into the roles they’ll play in the global cyberwar many see on the…

The War Few Are Talking About

There is a growing war among nations and the potential victims may not even know they are targeted as pawns in a larger geopolitical game. This war is not being fought openly with the same territorial expansion objectives of conventional 20th-century warfare or with the threat of mutually assured annihilation from the Cold War. Rather,…

Predictions for 2018: Cyberthreats in the financial sector

Kaspersky Lab always keeps a very close eye on the changing cyberthreat landscape. Knowledge of past and present makes the future more predictable and allows us to make annual forecasts for various verticals. Today we want to talk about the financial sector. Businesses and individuals alike make use of financial services. And wherever there’s money,…

Four New Cyberthreats on the CISO’s Radar

Enterprises today face new cyberthreats from many different vectors, including some that didn’t exist just a few years ago. Chief information security officers (CISOs) need to keep their eyes on the evolving ways their companies can be breached and close any gaps to minimize the damage.

5 Unsettling cyberthreats

Cyberthreats are typically boring, repetitive, and require a reasonably predictable remediation process. A SQL injection is a SQL injection, no matter who’s trying it.  But what about the outliers? What about threats that impact you, but you can’t remediate, or establish a policy to cover? Here are 5 cyberthreats that if you’re not frightened by,…