Protecting consumers from mobile and IoT threats

A new report by Allot Communications revealed a dynamic and automated threat landscape in which consumers lack the security expertise to effectively protect themselves. Mobile and Internet of Things continue to be primary attack vectors, contributing to a spike in cryptojacking, adware, and DDoS attacks. The Telco Security Trends Report is based on anonymous data…

Macs Infected With New Monero-Mining Malware

Many Mac users reported in the past few weeks that a process named “mshelper” had been eating up a lot of CPU power and draining their batteries. It turns out that the process is associated with a piece of malware designed to mine for Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency. Researchers at Malwarebytes have analyzed the mshelper malware and while…

Organisations across the UK are still struggling with ransomware

A year after the WannaCry ransomware attack impacted an estimated 200,000 victims, new research has revealed that organizations across the UK are still struggling to deal with ransomware. Webroot surveyed over 400 IT decision makers at UK businesses and found that 45 percent of those surveyed had suffered a ransomware attack, with nearly a quarter (23 percent) actually paying the ransom….

Over a Million Dasan Routers Vulnerable to Remote Hacking

Researchers have disclosed the details of two unpatched vulnerabilities that expose more than one million home routers made by South Korea-based Dasan Networks to remote hacker attacks. In a blog post published on Monday, vpnMentor revealed that many Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) routers, which are used to provide fiber-optic Internet, are affected by critical…

We’re not going on a summer holiday

You know the saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Cybercriminals seem to have taken that truism to heart, because they continue to reuse the same old scams — and they never fail to find victims. Last summer, social media worldwide were flooded with reposts of fake airline giveaways. We covered it at the time,…

Largest inhibitor of cyber insurance market growth? Silent cyber risk

A new study of the UK cyber risk insurance and broker community reveals startling findings. First and foremost, the insurance industry needs to address non-affirmative cyber in a meaningful way. Second, measurement of cyber risk in financial terms is highly deficient among insurance customers and the insurance industry itself. More than three-quarters (77 percent) of UK cyber…

BrandPost: How to build a good cyber defense routine

Although it may seem fast-paced and glamorous, the cyber threat landscape is actually more populated with simple, garden-variety attacks than sophisticated and exotic techniques. With free tools and kits, it’s become easier than ever to engage in phishing, cross-site scripting, and other malicious activities. When we imagine all cybercriminals as masterminds using bleeding-edge tools, we…