Organized crime is not limited to cybercrime, but cybercrime has become a major part of organized criminal activity. Europol sees this increasing – business transformation, the increasingly digital society, and the growth of remote working all provide new vulnerabilities and more opportunities for exploitation. “Critical infrastructures will continue to be targeted by cybercriminals in the…

Wyatt Travnichek, 22, was charged last month with remotely accessing the Post Rock Rural Water District’s systems in March 2019, about two months after he quit his job with the utility. He’s accused of shutting down the facility’s cleaning and disinfecting procedures. When he worked for the utility, he would monitor the water plant remotely…

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many organizations to switch to telework, interactive communication platforms such as Discord and Slack saw increased adoption and adversaries didn’t wait long to start abusing these tools. According to Cisco’s Talos researchers, the past year has shown a significant increase in the abuse of such platforms as part of malicious…

The malicious code, discovered in late March, was found in the php-src repository hosted on the server and it was apparently designed to allow an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary PHP code. PHP developers said the backdoor was discovered before it was pushed out to users via an update. Initially, users were told that…

At the beginning of 2021, the threat actors behind the Cring ransomware were observed launching numerous attacks on European industrial enterprises, forcing at least one organization to shut down a production site. The initial vector of attack was later identified as CVE-2018-13379, a vulnerability in the FortiOS SSL VPN web portal that could allow unauthenticated…

A cybersecurity attack targeted a vulnerability in Accellion, a third-party vendor that is used to securely transfer files, the university said in a statement Wednesday. “We understand those behind this attack have published online screenshots of personal information, and we will notify members of the UC community if we believe their data was leaked in…

Manufacturing and energy became the second and third most targeted industries last year, respectively. Retail and professional services rounded up the top five most targeted sectors, IBM says. In the latest installment of their annual X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, IBM Security also reveals that ransomware was the most popular attack method in 2020, with a…

The intelligence value of the hacking of then-acting Secretary Chad Wolf and his staff is not publicly known, but the symbolism is stark. Their accounts were accessed as part of what’s known as the SolarWinds intrusion and it throws into question how the U.S. government can protect individuals, companies and institutions across the country if…