The new website,, is designed to serve as a central hub that consolidates ransomware resources from all government agencies, including CISA, the FBI, the Secret Service, NIST, the Department of Treasury, and the HHS. Its goal is to provide useful resources for individuals, businesses and other organizations. provides information on what to do…

Stressing that the situation was looking “positive compared to a few days ago”, Kevin Bell, press spokesman for Coop, told AFP that “a majority” of their stores were still closed. On Friday, a hacking attack indirectly hit the supermarket chain, paralysing all its cash registers and forcing the company to temporarily close nearly all its…

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that University Medical Center issued a statement confirming that cybercriminals in mid-June accessed a hospital server used to store data and that law enforcement was investigating. The nonprofit public hospital said there is no evidence that any clinical systems were breached. UMC said it was notifying patients and employees that…

Also known as Sodinokibi, REvil has become one of the most prominent ransomware families out there, being involved in a large number of high-profile attacks, including the one on JBS, the world’s largest meat processing company. REvil is offered by an Eastern Europe/Russia-based threat actor tracked as PINCHY SPIDER, which is known for their RaaS…