Cyber-Attacks: How to Stop a Multibillion-Dollar Problem

Where there’s money, there has always been crime. Traditional bank robbery and physical assaults on ATMs are still a challenge, and now a new breed of cyber-enabled theft—using ATMs as the endpoint for cash-outs— has become a multibillion-dollar problem. One recent raid saw $13.5m stolen from India’s Cosmos Bank. Although the FBI issued a warning…

Rogue One — the best cybersecurity videotraining

Last year we analyzed an incident depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV. However, we got the feeling even back then that the security failures that led to the destruction of the Death Star were only the tip of the iceberg. The Empire’s problems with information systems security are clearly of a more galactic nature. Fortunately, researchers from Lucasfilm…

5 cybersecurity questions retailers must ask to protect their businesses

The Target breach in 2013 may not be the biggest retail breach in history, but for many retailers, it was their watershed moment. Point-of-sale (PoS) terminals were compromised for more than two weeks. 40 million card details and 70 million records of personal information swiped—part of which was “backlist,” historical transaction information dating back to more or less a…

Leveraging the Power of AI to Stop Email Scammers

Staff members are on the frontline when it comes to cyberattacks against their employers. They’re increasingly seen by hackers as a weak link in the cybersecurity chain. That’s why most threats today come via email, aimed squarely at tricking the recipient into downloading malware, divulging log-ins or making wire transfers to the attacker. We predict cumulative losses…

It’s 2018: Time to assess your cyberrisk

What springs to mind when you hear the phrase: “The future’s already here”? It evokes thoughts of new technologies that are poised to make life easier, better, and safer — not modern cyberthreats. But so-called next-generation threats are already here, too. On February 20, within the framework of the European Summit on Information Security (TEISS…

Predictions for 2018: Cyberthreats in the financial sector

Kaspersky Lab always keeps a very close eye on the changing cyberthreat landscape. Knowledge of past and present makes the future more predictable and allows us to make annual forecasts for various verticals. Today we want to talk about the financial sector. Businesses and individuals alike make use of financial services. And wherever there’s money,…

National Cyber Security Awareness Month for Organizations

The month of October 2017 is again the National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) for individuals and organizations. This year’s theme is shared responsibility which is something we’ve been talking a lot about when it comes to public cloud support for many years. This year Trend Micro will be supporting NCSAM with a new blog…

The Wrong Way to Pick a Security Vendor

For a number of years, we’ve worked with and supported our Managed Service Provider (MSP) partners at Trend Micro and I’ve seen and heard a lot in that time. Over time, we’ve noticed a few trends when it comes to MSPs choosing a security vendor to partner with, and in an effort to save you…

How do I get my employees to stop clicking on everything?

If you’ve been given responsibility for network security in a non-technical area of the business, there’s one eternal question that has been bedeviling admins for decades. Shelves of words have been spilled on the subject, to limited result. Everyone with cybersecurity responsibilities has their own crop of horror stories where an intransigent user has clicked…