Avalanche Botnet Comes Tumbling Down In Largest-Ever Sinkholing Operation

The Avalanche botnet – linked to many of the world’s most troublesome ransomware, RATs, and banking Trojans – has been dealt a critical blow in what Europol called today the “largest-ever use of sinkholing to combat botnet infrastructures.” Five individuals were arrested and 800,000 domains seized, sinkholed, or blocked in an international takedown operation that…

Who’s responsible for data compliance? 25% of executives don’t know

According to the 2016 State of Compliance survey conducted by data management and integration provider Liaison Technologies, one-quarter of top executives are unclear who in their organization is responsible for compliance. And nearly half (47 percent) of respondents to the survey of 479 senior and C-level executives said they don’t know which compliance standards apply…