Hackers, tractors, and a few delayed actors. How hacker Sick Codes learned too much about John Deere: Lock and Code S02E16


No one ever wants a group of hackers to say about their company: “We had the keys to the kingdom.”

But that’s exactly what the hacker Sick Codes said on this week’s episode of Lock and Code, in speaking with host David Ruiz, when talking about his and fellow hackers’ efforts to peer into John Deere’s data operations center, where the company receives a near-endless stream of data from its Internet-connected tractors, combines, and other smart farming equipment.

For Sick Codes, what began as the discovery of a small flaw grew into a much larger group project that uncovered reams of sensitive information. Customer names, addresses, equipment type, equipment location, and equipment reservations were all uncovered by Sick Codes and his team, he said
