Why a Healthy Data Diet Is the Secret to Healthy Security


Most medical professionals would agree that a healthy diet plays an important role in a healthy lifestyle. On some level, it’s not difficult to understand why this is the case. Food is the fuel on which our bodies run. Most of us feel pretty good after a meal consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. On the other hand, if most of our meals regularly consist of a few hot dogs and a slice of cake, we likely won’t feel very healthy over the long term.

I am certainly not a nutritionist, but I am definitely a firm believer in “everything in moderation.” Consequently, there is an important security lesson that nutrition can teach us. In the same way that food is fuel to our bodies, data (for example, various type of information and intelligence) is the fuel upon which our security programs run. A healthy data diet is the secret to a healthy security program.
