5 considerations for building a zero trust IT environment

Zero trust isn’t a product or service, and it’s certainly not just a buzzword. Rather, it’s a particular approach to cybersecurity. It means exactly what it says – not “verify, then trust” but “never trust and always verify.” Essentially, zero trust is about protecting data by limiting access to it. An organization will not automatically…

Facebook recently pledged to improve its security following a lawsuit that resulted from a 2018 data breach. The breach, which was left open for more than 20 months, resulted in the theft of 30 million authentication tokens and almost as much personally identifiable information. A “View As” feature that enabled developers to render user pages…

Artificial intelligence – more specifically, the machine learning (ML) subset of AI – has a number of privacy problems. Not only does ML require vast amounts of data for the training process, but the derived system is also provided with access to even greater volumes of data as part of the inference processing while in…

By improving access to data and taking advantage of them in fundamentally different ways to drive profitability, IT security executives are rapidly changing perceptions of their office. Although making better sense of and use of data may be standard fare in other areas of the enterprise, who knew that modern IoT cybersecurity solutions would become…

While plenty of attacks will continue to hit traditional targets such operating systems and humans, 2020 will see many attackers taking aim at non-traditional systems. Containers, connected devices and the communications between the two technologies will be a primary focus of both security researchers and attackers. New technologies continue to shake up corporate infrastructure, and…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – for cybercriminals that is. With increased online sales, major commercial holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday present plenty of cyberthreats for both companies and consumers. Aware of the uptick in traffic around the holidays, cybercriminals are waiting to strike. Last year’s Cyber Monday deals raked…

Slowly but surely, 5G digital cellular networks are being set up around the world. It will take years for widespread coverage and use to be achieved, so what better time than now for finding a way to ease into it while keeping security in mind? Opportunity comes with risks “Without a doubt 5G opens up…