NSA Chief Says DNC Email Leak Was Deliberate Act

In some of the most unequivocal comments on the issue so far, the director of the National Security Agency (NSA) Michael Rogers this week labeled the leak of emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee in July as a deliberate action by a state actor with specific motives. Rogers, who also heads the US Cyber…

As Deadline Looms, 35 Percent Of Web Sites Still Rely On SHA-1

Over 60 million web sites are relying on a hashing algorithm that will be blocked by major browsers starting Jan 1. A surprising 35 percent of websites around the world are still using SHA-1 though barely 45 days remain before some of the major browsers stop trusting certificates signed with the hash algorithm altogether.

Firefox Focus: Private iOS browsing made easy

Mozilla has released Firefox Focus, an iOS app that lets you browse the Internet without having to worry who’s tracking your online activity. The app can be used independently, or can be integrated with the existing (installed) Firefox and Safari apps (more details about the usage can be found here).

Encryption ransomware hits record levels

The amount of phishing emails containing a form of ransomware grew to 97.25 percent during the third quarter of 2016 up from 92 percent in Q1. PhishMe’s Q3 2016 Malware Review identified three major trends previously recorded throughout 2016, but have come to full fruition in the last few months:

Carbanak Hackers Hit Hospitality Firms With New Tactics

The prolific Carbanak crime group has recently zoned in on the hospitality sector and adopted a new attack methodology, Trustwave security researchers warn. The security firm analyzed three separate attacks, two targeting hospitality clients and one aimed at a restaurant chain, and found that all three featured the modus operandi of the infamous hacking group….

Cyber risk in advanced manufacturing: How to be secure and resilient

Nearly half of surveyed manufacturing executives lack confidence their assets are protected from external threats, according to a new study from Deloitte and the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI). Study results indicate nearly 40 percent of surveyed manufacturing companies were affected by cyber incidents in the past 12 months, and 38 percent of…