Over the last decade, social engineering cyberthreats have surged among retailers just as the sector’s reliance on customer data, financial transactions and e-commerce platforms has intensified. Social engineering, in which malicious actors exploit human vulnerabilities to obtain personal or financial information, can pose serious risks to retailers. As a result, chief information security officers and…

An international law enforcement operation took down a phishing-as-a-service website that security researchers say was responsible for more than 150,000 phishing domains. Authorities in Indonesia arrested the site’s alleged administrator and another man, while Japanese police arrested an additional suspect, Interpol announced Tuesday. The site, 16shop, has been in existence since at least 2017. It…

Expert instructors from the SANS Institute here yesterday detailed what they cite as the most dangerous forms of cyberattacks for 2023. Some of the key themes bubbling to the surface included the intersection of AI with attack patterns and the ways that attackers are taking advantage of highly flexible development environments. “This is my favorite…

Iranian hackers are deploying an updated backdoor apparently targeting Israeli academic researchers with an interest in Iraq. Researchers at Check Point Security said a group they have dubbed “Educated Manticore” is sending the Iraq-themed bait in order to coax users into initiating a new and improved infection chain that ends with deployment of an implant…

Netwrix has released key cybersecurity trends that will affect organizations of all sizes in 2023. Here are five specific trends that you need to be aware of: The business of cybercrime will be further professionalized The return of malware strains like Emotet, Conti and Trickbot indicates an expansion of cybercrime for hire. In particular, the…

The term “metaverse” was first used by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. It describes a virtual world that can be explored using avatars, offering players a completely immersive experience. Today, we see similar worlds in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) such as Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Second Life, and others, but…

Sometimes phishers are just after your username and password, but other times they are after every scrap of sensitive information they can extract from you. To do that, they use tools like the phishing kit recently analyzed by Akamai researchers. By misusing the PayPal logo and general design, the phishing kit leads users through a…