The fundamentals of network security and cybersecurity hygiene

Infrastructure and network security The two fundamental building blocks to ensuring that your data is secure are physical infrastructure and network security. Understanding and protecting your information from threats and human error require meticulously layered security protocols. Physical infrastructure Last year, British Airways canceled over 400 flights and stranded 75,000 passengers because of an IT…

GDPR’s impact: The first six months

GDPR is now six months old – it’s time to take an assessment of the regulation’s impact so far. At first blush it would appear very little has changed. There are no well-publicized actions being taken against offenders. No large fines levied. So does this mean its yet another regulation that will be ignored? Actually…

For recent big data software vulnerabilities, botnets and coin mining are just the beginning

The phrase “with great power comes great responsibility” was excellent advice when Ben Parker said it to his nephew Peter, aka Spiderman. It is even more applicable to any organization using open source software to manage their big data analysis. This is especially true since, in 2018, significant vulnerabilities were identified and disclosed for both…

Vaporworms: New breed of self-propagating fileless malware to emerge in 2019

WatchGuard Technologies’ information security predictions for 2019 include the emergence of vaporworms, a new breed of fileless malware with wormlike properties to self-propagate through vulnerable systems, along with a takedown of the internet itself and ransomware targeting utilities and industrial control systems. “Cyber criminals are continuing to reshape the threat landscape as they update their…

5 incident response practices that keep enterprises from adapting to new threats

Security analysts within enterprises are living a nightmare that never ends. 24 hours a day, their organizations are being attacked by outside (and sometimes inside) perpetrators – hackers, hacktivists, competitors, disgruntled employees, etc. Attacks range in scope and sophistication, but are always there, haunting the security teams tasked with guarding against them. To cope with…

Industry reactions to Trump’s executive order on cybersecurity

On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a long-awaited executive order on cybersecurity. Mainly, the order requires a number of cybersecurity reviews across the various agencies of the federal government, in order to determine what must be done to strengthen federal computer systems, as well as United States’ critical infrastructure. Here are some industry reactions to…