Since the pandemic forced unprecedented adoption of remote access and delivery of government services, telehealth, and education, cybersecurity has rapidly shot to the top of priority lists for IT leaders. What was once a shiny object that agencies didn’t have the resources to implement is now mission critical. However, governments are grappling with several challenges…

Threat actors have been exploiting the newly disclosed zero-day flaw in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS software dating back to March 26, 2024, nearly three weeks before it came to light yesterday. The network security company’s Unit 42 division is tracking the activity under the name Operation MidnightEclipse, attributing it as the work of a single…

Globally, cybersecurity threats continue to accelerate in pace and scale with rising malware and deepfake attacks. Over a third of organizations worldwide suffered a material cyber incident from malicious actors in the past year, while 73% were affected by ransomware attacks in 2023. With these cyberattacks come serious financial costs — global damages total an…

One of the most common misconceptions in file upload cybersecurity is that certain tools are “enough” on their own—this is simply not the case. In our latest whitepaper OPSWAT CEO and Founder, Benny Czarny, takes a comprehensive look at what it takes to prevent malware threats in today’s ever-evolving file upload security landscape, and a…

Ensuring the enterprise is protected from vulnerabilities is a required function of security teams. It’s also a best practice for cyber insurance vendors and meeting compliance requirements. A popular evaluation test, the tabletop exercise, permits security teams and corporate management to select a threat and then run through the process of containing and remediating the…

WatchGuard® Technologies, a global leader in unified cybersecurity, today announced the findings of its latest Internet Security Report, detailing the top malware trends and network and endpoint security threats analyzed by WatchGuard Threat Lab researchers. Key findings from the research include 95% of malware now arriving over encrypted connections, a decrease in endpoint malware volumes…

Cisco’s innovative technologies help connect the dots of its network- and cloud-based ecosystem. A tremendous number of enterprises and service providers view Cisco as the nexus of their network, security, and cloud operations. At the company’s Cisco Live customer and partner conference in June, Cisco boldly connected the dots of a network- and cloud-based ecosystem…

Network management company today announced new features for its core SaaS-based service, including support for the Okta user identification platform and Docker containers, and what it’s describing as “programmatic deployment” of zero trust networks. Essentially, the company said, the idea is to provide automated provisioning and deployment of network access to managed assetts —…

“The target is that 100 percent of the most important health facilities have undergone these new exercises by May 2023,” the interior, health and digital services ministers announced in a joint statement. Further effort will be made to spread best-practice throughout French hospitals in “the reactions and practices to adopt in case of a cyber…