Cyberattack Leaves Millions Without Mobile Phone Service in Venezuela

A massive cyberattack that took down government websites in Venezuela earlier this week also has left seven million mobile phone users without service, the government said Thursday. A group that calls itself The Binary Guardians claimed responsibility for attacks that targeted the websites of the government, the supreme court and the National Assembly. “These terrorist…

‘AVPass’ Sneaks Malware Past Android Antivirus Apps

Researchers at Black Hat USA will release a toolset that studies and then cheats specific Android AV apps. A team of researchers from Georgia Tech built an Android hacking tool that snuck past nearly all of 58 Android AV antivirus programs in tests conducted via VirusTotal. Their AVPass toolkit includes a query function that vets…

Apple iOS Malware Growth Outpaces that of Android

Number of iOS devices running malicious apps more than tripled in three consecutive quarters, while infected Android devices remained largely flat, report shows. iPhones and other devices running Apple’s iOS have seen a jump in malicious apps attacking them while Android malware infections have remained largely stable, according to a report released today by mobile…

Google Patches Critical Vulnerabilities in Android

Google on Wednesday announced that a total of 138 vulnerabilities were addressed in the Android platform with the release of this month’s set of security patches. The July 2017 Android Security Bulletin was split in two partial security patch level strings: the 2017-07-01 security patch level that addresses issues in the platform itself, and the 2017-07-05 security patch…

Mobile app developers: Make sure your back end is covered

Application security isn’t just a developer’s problem. IT staff and the security team also have roles to play in setting up the infrastructure and implementing security controls. When IT administrators forget the security basics for the app’s back-end servers, they undermine the developer’s good security decisions. Researchers at mobile security company Appthority recently analyzed apps…

Securing Your Enterprise Assets While Traveling for Work

Traveling for work is a regular occurrence for many of us. Most of the time, traveling for client meetings, conferences, team meetings and other work-related activities also means taking a laptop or other portable devices traveling too. These devices could easily include your company’s IP, strategic plans, financials or other sensitive enterprise assets. With this…

Don’t Leave Home Without These Five Travel Security Tips

It’s vacation time for many of us, and that means it’s Christmas for criminals. In their eagerness to experience all the wonders of leisure destinations, travelers are prone to overlooking risks to their physical and digital security. Crooks know this, which is why they target people carrying cameras, sporting backpacks or exhibiting other signs of…

How secure are mobile banking apps?

Do banking institutions have a good handle on the things they need to remediate and new control layers they need to adopt to keep users secure? To answer those questions, Accenture and NowSecure have performed vulnerability assessments of customer-facing mobile banking apps of 15 banking institutions in the North American market.