The Cybercrime Landscape Is Evolving — Will Your Mobile Threat Defense Strategy Keep Up?

As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, organizations must adapt their security strategies to account for the enlarged threat surface. While mobility undeniably helps organizations boost productivity, it also creates considerable weaknesses in the IT environment. How can companies strike a balance between giving employees the 24/7 access they need to perform their jobs and protecting…

The Enterprise Mobility Conundrum: How to Control the Data?

What’s not to like about a good bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy? For most companies, BYOD is a great deal. Employees buy and maintain the devices, and the company gets the benefit of their off-hours availability and productivity while traveling. Nearly three-quarters of organizations with enterprise mobility initiatives have adopted a plan to establish a BYOD policy….

Protect Sensitive Files With Document Security Management

When it comes to data security, documents matter. Most organizations have invested in tools that enable them to securely manage their sensitive documents. They are struggling, however, to compel employees to use these tools consistently and correctly. Throughout the IT industry, actual document management and security practices fall seriously short. Malware-infected files frequently penetrate networks…