Cybersecurity researchers said an experiment in developing a fake, malicious extension for the world’s most popular integrated development environment succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. Researchers Amit Assaraf, Itay Kruk, and Idan Dardikman uploaded an extension to Microsoft source code editing platform Visual Studio Code masquerading as “Dracula Official,” a color theme that records nearly 7.2…

Among the more dangerous of the flaws for which Microsoft released a patch this week on Patch Tuesday is a denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability publicly disclosed back in February in the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) protocol. The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-50868 exists in a third-party DNSSEC mechanism called Next Secure Hash 3 (NSEC3) for…

Researchers at Microsoft have identified a North Korean threat group carrying out espionage and financial cyberattacks concurrently, using a grab bag of different attack techniques against aerospace, education, and software organizations and developers. In the beginning, Microsoft explained in a blog post, Moonstone Sleet heavily overlapped with the known DPRK advanced persistent threat (APT) Diamond…

Microsoft’s plans to introduce a “Recall” feature powered by artificial intelligence in its Copilot+ PCs lineup has evoked considerable privacy concerns. But the extent to which these concerns are fully justified remains a somewhat open question at the moment. Recall is technology that Microsoft has described as enabling users to easily find and remember whatever…

Microsoft released its monthly batch of security fixes on Tuesday, which included patches for three vulnerabilities that already had exploits available. Two of those vulnerabilities are being actively exploited, with one being used by multiple groups to deliver malware, including the QakBot trojan. Microsoft’s updates addressed 61 vulnerabilities across its products, but only one was…

Microsoft issued a patch Tuesday for a Windows zero-day vulnerability that security researchers say operators of the QakBot botnet and other hackers actively exploited. U.S. authorities in August dismantled the botnet, also known as Qbot, and told reporters that it “ceased to operate” as a result of an antimalware campaign dubbed Operation Duck Hunt. Malware…

Microsoft released its batch of monthly security updates this month covering 73 vulnerabilities, including two zero-day flaws exploited in the wild. While organizations should prioritize all critical and high-risk issues, there is one critical vulnerability in Outlook that researchers claim could open the door to trivial attacks that result in remote code execution. Dubbed MonikerLink…