While plenty of attacks will continue to hit traditional targets such operating systems and humans, 2020 will see many attackers taking aim at non-traditional systems. Containers, connected devices and the communications between the two technologies will be a primary focus of both security researchers and attackers. New technologies continue to shake up corporate infrastructure, and…

Nearly three quarters of consumers expect manufacturers of connected IoT devices to protect their devices from hacks, according to Karamba Security. Consumers take IoT security seriously This view is in sharp contrast to today’s datacenter best practices, which require users to deploy their own measures of cyber protection, such as antivirus software. The report surveyed…

Buildings will account for 81% of all connected things in 2020, ushering in a new era of smart office buildings, schools, hospitals and more that will improve efficiencies for building management and provide a more comfortable experience for occupants. However, buildings are also at an increased risk of cyberattacks as they collect more data, become…

Slowly but surely, 5G digital cellular networks are being set up around the world. It will take years for widespread coverage and use to be achieved, so what better time than now for finding a way to ease into it while keeping security in mind? Opportunity comes with risks “Without a doubt 5G opens up…

Remember when, three years ago, several Mirai botnets hit DNS provider Dyn and caused part of the Internet to be unreachable for most users in North America and Europe? For a moment there it really seemed that IoT security would become an indisputable necessity. Unfortunately, that did not happen, and security professionals and consumers are…

With an installed base of 44 billion connected devices projected for 2023, the amount of data and information generated and shared will reach zettabytes of data, according to ABI Research. “Much of that data will be sensitive, whether about an individual’s privacy or confidential business information. As such, it presents a lucrative opportunity for threat…