Society relies so heavily on technology that the number of internet connected devices used globally is predicted to grow to 55.9 billion by 2025. Many of these devices span parts of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) that impact the physical world, assist us in our daily lives at home and monitor and automate everything from energy…

The Cybercrime Landscape Is Evolving — Will Your Mobile Threat Defense Strategy Keep Up?

As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, organizations must adapt their security strategies to account for the enlarged threat surface. While mobility undeniably helps organizations boost productivity, it also creates considerable weaknesses in the IT environment. How can companies strike a balance between giving employees the 24/7 access they need to perform their jobs and protecting…

The Four Leading Security Threats of 2017

The security landscape is constantly evolving and will continue to evolve in 2017. Long-standing security threats will take on new dimensions. Social engineering, for example, will become an output as well as an input. At the same time, the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to open new threat vectors. The new year will certainly bring…

Using Cognitive Security to Fight the Cybersecurity Borg

Organizations today find themselves in a situation not unlike that of the Enterprise crew in “Star Trek.” They are facing a formidable, technologically advanced enemy capable of taking over key components of the organization. In one episode of “Star Trek,” in fact, the Borg collective takes control of Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself, to the horror…

Is Bluetooth Security Good Enough for Your Most Sensitive Corporate Communications?

Most users take Bluetooth security for granted. When you’re enjoying the convenience of hands-free phone conversations, streaming podcasts in your car or jogging with your awesome new wireless headphones, do you need to worry about whether the communication channel is secure or not? What’s acceptable for consumers may not meet corporate standards. With a new…