Ukrainian cyber defenders report that fast-acting Russian military intelligence hackers have been targeting government agencies as well as organizations in Poland using backdoor malware tied to phishing lures based on a fake letter from the Ukrainian deputy prime minister. The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine on Thursday detailed a spear-phishing campaign that it has…

Newly identified staging infrastructure overlaps with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) previously attributed to the group and shows that the threat actor continues its attacks on Ukrainian targets likely in support of Russia’s military actions in Ukraine. UAC-0113 has been linked by the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) to the advanced persistent threat…

Active since at least 2007 and also tracked as Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Strontium, and Tsar Team, APT28 is well known for its cyber-espionage operations targeting the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States, but is also associated with attacks on NATO countries and with activities against organizations in the energy and transportation sectors….