The mad dash to the cloud a few years back left many organizations scrambling to understand the true implications of this technological shift. Fueled by promises of scalability and cost savings, many companies jumped on board without fully comprehending key details. For example, many were asking how secure their data was in the cloud, who…

Researchers at Microsoft have identified a North Korean threat group carrying out espionage and financial cyberattacks concurrently, using a grab bag of different attack techniques against aerospace, education, and software organizations and developers. In the beginning, Microsoft explained in a blog post, Moonstone Sleet heavily overlapped with the known DPRK advanced persistent threat (APT) Diamond…

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) aligned with China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are all using large language models (LLMs) to enhance their operations. New blog posts from OpenAI and Microsoft reveal that five major threat actors have been using OpenAI software for research, fraud, and other malicious purposes. After identifying them, OpenAI shuttered all their…

Yoon’s office said the cyberattack only affected the personal account of the unidentified employee, who violated security protocols by partially using commercial email services to handle official duties. Officials did not specify what type of information was stolen from the staff member’s personal emails but stressed that the office’s overall security system was not affected….

“[We] have confirmed that Volt Typhoon has compromised the IT environments of multiple critical infrastructure organizations in the continental and non-continental United States and its territories, including Guam,” CISA said in an advisory, warning that the hacking team’s choice of targets and pattern of behavior is not consistent with traditional cyber espionage or intelligence gathering…

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are a year-round threat. However, as many security practitioners can attest, DDoS attacks are particularly prolific during high-traffic times like the holiday season. The holidays are typically a time when organizations have reduced resources, with staff taking vacation and fewer cyber resources dedicated to monitoring networks and applications. Cybercriminals often take…

Cyberattacks on operational technology (OT) systems are rapidly rising. In fact, manufacturing was one of the sectors most impacted by extortion attacks last year, according to Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, as reported in the 2023 Unit 42 Extortion and Ransomware Report. Attacks against OT systems can have a significant impact, including physical consequences such…

Nation-state hacking groups based in China have sharply ramped up cyberattacks against Taiwan this year, according to multiple reports. With geopolitical tensions and a trade war acting as a backdrop, China-led cyberattacks on Taiwan are rising sharply, according to multiple security reports. In the latest report about alleged China-sponsored cyberattacks on Taiwan, Kate Morgan, a…

Basic security hygiene is more impactful than you may realize. While industry headlines are often dominated by emerging tech and the latest software or hardware solutions, base-level security hygiene still protects against 98% of attacks. This includes measures such as applying zero-trust principles or keeping systems up to date with the latest security patches. However,…