For recent big data software vulnerabilities, botnets and coin mining are just the beginning

The phrase “with great power comes great responsibility” was excellent advice when Ben Parker said it to his nephew Peter, aka Spiderman. It is even more applicable to any organization using open source software to manage their big data analysis. This is especially true since, in 2018, significant vulnerabilities were identified and disclosed for both…

Addressing security concerns around connected ecosystems

The convergence of IoT applications with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Big Data, and context-aware computing could help address current security concerns around connected ecosystems. Pervasive security through context-aware access control is one of the future areas currently being explored by developers.

The untapped potential of machine learning for detecting fraud

E-commerce fraud protection company Signifyd has recently signed up behavioral analytics expert Long-Ji Lin to fill the position of Chief Scientist. “For advertisers, Lin perfected his model’s ability to predict which users would take each desired action, such as a clicking on an ad or purchasing from an advertiser. For e-commerce merchants, Lin is focused…

User Behavior Analytics: Perfect for Analysis but Not Security

How many times have you read or heard about user behavior analytics (UBA)? Today this term applies to security managers and auditors but not to security administrators. User behavior analytics enable IT teams to track and quickly analyze user behavior anomalies and monitor watch-lists, trends and many other factors relative to users. UBA is a…