The mad dash to the cloud a few years back left many organizations scrambling to understand the true implications of this technological shift. Fueled by promises of scalability and cost savings, many companies jumped on board without fully comprehending key details. For example, many were asking how secure their data was in the cloud, who…

Popular artificial intelligence chatbots are rife with Russian disinformation, warns NewsGuard, the rating system for news and information websites. Researchers at NewsGuard entered prompts into 10 chatbots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, Elon Musk’s Grok and Mistral and found that about one-third of the responses contained disinformation culled from a network of fake local news sites and…

Cyber criminals are beginning to use artificial intelligence to make their operations more effective — and their use goes way beyond creating better bait for phishing. Just as in legitimate business, discussions about AI among criminals have accelerated this year compared to 2023, researchers from cybersecurity group Intel 471 reported in a new study published…

OpenAI said it disrupted five covert influence operations including from China and Russia that attempted to use its artificial intelligence services to manipulate public opinion amid elections. The threat actors used AI models to generate short comments and longer articles in multiple languages, made up names and bios for social media accounts, conducted open-source research,…

Microsoft’s plans to introduce a “Recall” feature powered by artificial intelligence in its Copilot+ PCs lineup has evoked considerable privacy concerns. But the extent to which these concerns are fully justified remains a somewhat open question at the moment. Recall is technology that Microsoft has described as enabling users to easily find and remember whatever…

The U.K. government released voluntary guidance intended to help artificial intelligence developers and vendors protect models from hacking and potential sabotage. Released on Wednesday, the British government’s AI code of practice lists recommendations such as monitoring AI system behavior and performing model testing. “Organizations in the U.K. face a complex cybersecurity landscape, and we want…

The case is yet another reason why everyone — not just politicians and celebrities — should be concerned about this increasingly powerful deep-fake technology, experts say. “Everybody is vulnerable to attack, and anyone can do the attacking,” said Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who focuses on digital forensics and misinformation….

The new AI Safety Initiative has attracted participation from tech heavyweights Microsoft, Amazon and Google OpenAI and Anthropic and plans to work on tools, templates and data for deploying AI/LLM technology in a safe, ethical and compliant manner. “The AI Safety Initiative is actively developing practical safeguards for today’s generative AI, structured in a way…

The European Union will soon set up a dedicated office to oversee the implementation of the AI Act, especially by big-tech companies such as OpenAI, said a key European lawmaker. The European Parliament in June approved regulations intended to mitigate AI’s potential for negative effects on society. The AI Act entered final negotiations this month…