How Large Businesses Approach Cybersecurity Today

Over 90% of large US companies with 500+ employees have a cybersecurity policy in place to protect them from both real and anticipated threats. Clutch surveyed over 300 corporate IT decision-makers about what to include in a cybersecurity policy and found security software, data back-up and storage and scam detection are the most common areas…

Cybersecurity depends on partnership

In the world of cybersecurity, partnerships are of much importance. Cybersecurity companies partner among themselves to share data and help each other build stronger security solutions that can better protect their users. They also partner with law enforcement agencies to fight cybercrime. Partnerships with software developers are equally important, because security solutions have to work…

It’s time for security leaders to challenge dogma

What are the key elements of a good security program? Why did you answer that way? Seems a lot of security is ‘handed-down’ knowledge. We pride data and evidence-driven decisions while suggesting security is too hard to measure and pin down. Curious, no?

IBM Launches Security Testing Services For Cars, IoT

IBM Security announced on Monday that the services provided by its X-Force Red penetration testing group have been expanded to include connected vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IBM X-Force Red, which the company launched one year ago, has been working with automotive manufacturers and third-party suppliers to provide expertise and penetration testing and consulting services.

Hacker allegedly stole $7.4 million worth of Ether in 3 minutes

While there is a general consensus that the Knightscope security robot in Washington, D.C., committed suicide on Monday, the same everyone-agrees-opinion is not true for the $7.4 million heist of the cryptocurrency Ether that happened on the same day. CoinDash maintains that a hacker made off with the Ether, which comes from the app platform ethereum, during its…

Smart home device calls cops during domestic dispute

Amazon is kicking off its third annual Prime Day by slashing the cost of an Amazon Echo, cutting 50 percent off the price tag, and selling the Echo for only $89.99. Google is competing by cutting $64 from the price tag for a Google Home and Chromecast bundle, selling the two for $99.99. So, if you’ve been wanting to…

CIA Router Hacking Tool Exposed by WikiLeaks

Documents published by WikiLeaks on Thursday provide details on a tool allegedly used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to hack routers and access points. Dubbed CherryBlossom, the tool is described by its developers as a system designed for monitoring a target’s Internet activity and delivering software exploits via wireless networking devices. WikiLeaks said…