The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) announced the release of an updated version of its Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business. This new edition builds on the original toolkit, released in February 2019, with an improved user experience and expanded educational resources. The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business, sponsored by Mastercard, offers free effective tools to…

High volumes of attacks were used to target video game companies and players between 2018 and 2020, an Akamai report reveals. It also notes an uptick in attack traffic that correlates with COVID-19-related lockdowns. In addition, the report examines motivations driving the attacks and steps gamers can take to help protect their personal information, accounts,…

Attackers shifted tactics in Q2 2020, with a 570% increase in bit-and-piece DDoS attacks compared to the same period last year, according to Nexusguard. Perpetrators used bit-and-piece attacks to launch various amplification and elaborate UDP-based attacks to flood target networks with traffic. Analysts witnessed attacks using much smaller sizes—more than 51% of bit-and-piece attacks were…

Despite being built with various shielding techniques, mobile apps are easily cloned or mimicked. As a result, fraud figures have kept growing since the advent of mobile banking and payments, and counterfeit apps infiltrating stores generates serious reputation and trust issues. On these statements, Pradeo R&D team focused on the issue and came up with…

Phishing ranks low on the list of cyberattacks in terms of technological sophistication. Even more sophisticated phishing variants like spear phishing (focused and often personalized phishing attacks) and whaling (phishing attacks focused on high-profile or high-dollar targets) are focused more on social engineering than on technology. Yet phishing remains one of the most effective types…

Web-phishing targeting various online services almost doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic: it accounted for 46 percent of the total number of fake web pages, Group-IB reveals. Ransomware, the headliner of the previous half-year, walked off stage: only 1 percent of emails analyzed contained this kind of malware. Every third email, meanwhile, contained spyware, which is…

A Case Western Reserve University computer and data sciences researcher is working to shore up privacy protections for people whose genomic information is stored in a vast global collection of vital, personal data. Erman Ayday pursued novel methods for identifying and analyzing privacy vulnerabilities in the genomic data sharing network known commonly as “the Beacons.”…