Encryption deployment increases as organizations struggle to address compliance requirements

As organizations embrace the cloud and new digital initiatives such as the IoT, blockchain and digital payments the use of trusted cryptography to protect their applications and sensitive information is at an all-time high. With corporate data breaches making the headlines on an almost daily basis, the deployment of an overall encryption strategy by organizations…

Organizations investing in security analytics and machine learning to tackle cyberthreats

IT security’s greatest inhibitor to success is contending with too much security data. To address this challenge, 47 percent of IT security professionals acknowledged their organization’s intent to acquire advanced security analytics solutions that incorporate machine learning (ML) technology within the next 12 months. Such investments help to mitigate the risks of advanced cyberthreats missed…

Main threat source to industrial computers? Mass-distributed malware

Malicious cyber activities on Industrial Control System (ICS) computers are considered an extremely dangerous threat as they could potentially cause material losses and production downtime in the operation of industrial facilities. In 2018, the share of ICS computers that experienced such activities grew to 47.2 percent from 44 percent in 2017, indicating that the threat…