Not all threat intelligence is created equal

Threat intelligence provides you a lot of information and intelligence about what the threats are to your network, and what you need to focus in on from a security perspective. But threat intelligence platforms are, really, that next step in the operational chain. It’s how you actually use, consume and utilize the threat intelligence that’s…

Do You Need a Threat Intelligence Team?

I have the great opportunity to spend time with CSOs and IT executives to understand their cybersecurity concerns and help them map out a strategy for success. An increasingly common question I’ve been hearing is, “Does my organization need a threat intelligence team?” Adding threat intelligence capabilities to your organization can be valuable, with their…

Integrating threat intelligence with existing security technologies

70 percent of security industry professionals believe threat intelligence is often too voluminous and/or complex to provide actionable insights. The Ponemon Institute study, based on 1,072 respondents in the United Kingdom and North America, also showed that organizations neglect to share essential threat data with board members and C-level executives, despite the fact that security…