Three cybersecurity threat trends that organizations should address today

The cybersecurity landscape grows seemingly more complex – and dangerous – by the day: Hackers and other bad actors unleash increasingly intricate and formidable attacks, on more mission critical systems. Yet, organizations attempt to counter their threats with the same limited resources. In fact, many industry veterans need to return to the ranks as practitioners…

Cloud-based single sign-on means access and security everywhere

The cloud is now the standard of corporate organizational life. It is a standard practice for nearly every sector of every industry. So, there must be solutions available to help manage these cloud applications. To effectively manage your cloud applications – access security and permissions – is to employ automated account management technology for both…

Top 4 Software Development Methodologies

Successful projects are managed well. In order to manage a project efficiently, the manager or dev team must choose which software development method works best for the project at hand. All of the numerous software development methodologies that exist are used for different reasons. I’ve been doing some research to understand why different methodologies exist,…

Do You Need a Threat Intelligence Team?

I have the great opportunity to spend time with CSOs and IT executives to understand their cybersecurity concerns and help them map out a strategy for success. An increasingly common question I’ve been hearing is, “Does my organization need a threat intelligence team?” Adding threat intelligence capabilities to your organization can be valuable, with their…