Popular artificial intelligence chatbots are rife with Russian disinformation, warns NewsGuard, the rating system for news and information websites. Researchers at NewsGuard entered prompts into 10 chatbots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, Elon Musk’s Grok and Mistral and found that about one-third of the responses contained disinformation culled from a network of fake local news sites and…

OpenAI said it disrupted five covert influence operations including from China and Russia that attempted to use its artificial intelligence services to manipulate public opinion amid elections. The threat actors used AI models to generate short comments and longer articles in multiple languages, made up names and bios for social media accounts, conducted open-source research,…

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) aligned with China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are all using large language models (LLMs) to enhance their operations. New blog posts from OpenAI and Microsoft reveal that five major threat actors have been using OpenAI software for research, fraud, and other malicious purposes. After identifying them, OpenAI shuttered all their…

The new AI Safety Initiative has attracted participation from tech heavyweights Microsoft, Amazon and Google OpenAI and Anthropic and plans to work on tools, templates and data for deploying AI/LLM technology in a safe, ethical and compliant manner. “The AI Safety Initiative is actively developing practical safeguards for today’s generative AI, structured in a way…

Italy is temporarily blocking the artificial intelligence software ChatGPT in the wake of a data breach as it investigates a possible violation of stringent European Union data protection rules, the government’s privacy watchdog said Friday. The Italian Data Protection Authority said it was taking provisional action “until ChatGPT respects privacy,” including temporarily limiting the company…

Microsoft on Wednesday rolled out an AI-powered security analysis tool to automate incident response and threat hunting tasks, showcasing a security use-case for the popular chatbot developed by OpenAI. The new tool, called Microsoft Security Copilot, is powered by OpenAI’s newest GPT-4 model and will be trained on data from Redmond’s massive trove of telemetry…

Cybercriminals have lost little time in converting the artificial intelligence capabilities of ChatGPT to malicious purposes by using it to generate malware scripts. Security researchers at Check Point found members of the low-level hacking community Breach Forums posting over the past few weeks the results of interactions with the OpenAI-developed tool. They include a machine-learning…

In June 2020, OpenAI released version 3 of its Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3), a natural language transformer that took the tech world by storm with its uncanny ability to generate text seemingly written by humans. But GPT-3 was also trained on computer code, and recently OpenAI released a specialized version of its engine, named Codex,…