The U.K. government released voluntary guidance intended to help artificial intelligence developers and vendors protect models from hacking and potential sabotage. Released on Wednesday, the British government’s AI code of practice lists recommendations such as monitoring AI system behavior and performing model testing. “Organizations in the U.K. face a complex cybersecurity landscape, and we want…

One of the most common misconceptions in file upload cybersecurity is that certain tools are “enough” on their own—this is simply not the case. In our latest whitepaper OPSWAT CEO and Founder, Benny Czarny, takes a comprehensive look at what it takes to prevent malware threats in today’s ever-evolving file upload security landscape, and a…

Catalogic Software announced a new partnership with Backblaze to offer ransomware protection for enterprise and Kubernetes backups. Catalogic’s enterprise data protection software, DPX, provides robust backup and recovery capabilities and integrates seamlessly with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage to provide a secure, fast, and infinitely scalable backup target. CloudCasa by Catalogic now supports Backblaze B2 as…

With the proliferation of mobile devices and BYOD, ubiquitous and always available internet connectivity and the widespread use of private, public and hybrid cloud solutions, eventually all organizations will be forced to come to terms with these realities: There is no such thing as a traditional security perimeter anymore There is virtually no difference between…

7 warning signs of an insider threat

Employees conducting attacks on their own employees – known as insider threats – are becoming increasingly common and costly. According to a CA report, over 50 percent of organizations suffered an insider threat-based attack in the previous 12 months, while a quarter say they are suffering attacks more frequently than in the previous year. Ninety…

How internal dysfunction puts your network at risk

IDG polled 200 network and cybersecurity professionals across the U.S. & Canada, and found almost inevitable consequences for organizations where network and cybersecurity teams have conflicting objectives, are managed in a siloed way, and have unequal or incomplete network visibility. 86% of respondents admitted to experiencing at least one of the following due to a…

Analysis of 3,200 Phishing Kits Sheds Light on Attacker Tools and Techniques

Phishing kits are used extensively by cybercriminals to increase the efficiency of stealing user credentials. The basic kit comprises an accurate clone of the target medium’s login-in page (Gmail, Facebook, Office 365, targeted banks, etc), and a pre-written php script to steal the credentials — both bundled and distributed as a zip file. Successfully phished…

143 Million Affected in Hack of U.S. Credit Agency

A major American credit reporting agency entrusted to safeguard personal financial information said Thursday hackers looted its system in a colossal breach that could affect nearly half the US population as well as people in Britain and Canada. Equifax said that a hack it learned about on July 29 had the potential to affect 143…