Application security (AppSec) programs are difficult to use and filled with vulnerabilities. Overloaded staff face an inadequate budget. Communication with developers is challenging. These sayings are so true, so ubiquitous, that they’ve become tropes. This is why meeting a team of two who managed to resolve 70,000 security vulnerabilities in three months made me gasp….

Financial teams of the acquisition were not released but published reports out of Israel peg the price tag as “several tens of millions of dollars.” The private equity-owned Delinea, formed in April 2012 through the merger of Centrify and Thycotic, said the deal extends its reach into the lucrative identity category and adds technology to…

Cisco has released urgent fixes to a critical vulnerability affecting an emergency communication system used to track callers’ location in real time. A developer inadvertently hard-coded credentials in Cisco Emergency Responder tracking and routing software, opening up a permanent backdoor for potential unauthenticated attackers. At some point in the development cycle, static user credentials for…

Application security posture management (ASPM) is a method of managing and improving the security of software applications. It encompasses the processes, tools, and practices designed to identify, classify, and mitigate security vulnerabilities across an application’s life cycle. It includes scanning for vulnerabilities, tracking identified vulnerabilities, managing patch processes, and implementing continuous monitoring and improvement procedures….

The desire for digital acceleration has led organizations to drive toward delivering faster and better application experiences and to bring applications and data closer to users and devices. Many organizations realize that application journeys are fluid in practice because applications can live anywhere from data centers to hybrid and multi-clouds to edge compute. The reason…

A critical security vulnerability in Cisco’s SD-WAN vManage software could allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to gain read and limited write permissions, and access data. The bug carries a score of 9.1 out of 10 on the CVSS vulnerability-severity scale, and it exists in the vManage API, which is used to monitor and configure Cisco…

Teams running the Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 8.8.15 are urged to apply a manual fix against a recently discovered zero-day vulnerability that’s being actively exploited in the wild. The Zimbra cloud suite offers email, calendar functions, and other enterprise collaboration tools. The vulnerability compromises the security of data on Zimbra servers, the company said in…

OX Security, a leader in software supply chain security, today announced the launch of OX-GPT, the first ChatGPT integration to improve software supply chain security. With the new integration, OX now presents developers with customized fix recommendations and cut and paste code fixes, providing for quick remediation of critical security issues across the software supply…