Using Phishing Intelligence to Reel In Advanced Threats and Protect Corporate Networks

Gone are the days of the Nigerian prince promising fortune to unsuspecting email recipients. Attackers have stepped up their phishing game and evolved their tactics to entice employees to click links or open attachments, preying on the opportunity to spread persistent malware or compromise credentials. These threat actors relentlessly target employees — both at work…

iOS 11 in the Enterprise: Get Your iPads Ready

While some are in back-to-school mode and others are getting ready for football, we’re gearing up for the latest mobile operating systems to hit the market. With the Apple iOS 11 release right around the corner, the time is now for IT and security leaders to zero in on their Apple iOS management strategy to…

Blindfolded on the Battlefield: The Importance of Threat Hunting in the Modern Age

One of the fundamental problems with cybersecurity is that organizations often do not realize when they are compromised. Traditional incident response methods are typically reactive, forcing security teams to wait for a visible sign of an attack. The problem is that many attacks today are stealthy, targeted and data-focused. Just stop for a moment to…

US Warship Collisions Raise Cyberattack Fears

A spate of incidents involving US warships in Asia, including a deadly collision this week off Singapore, has forced the navy to consider whether cyberattackers might be to blame. While some experts believe that being able to engineer such a collision would be unlikely, given the security systems of the US Navy and the logistics…

Fighting Financial Fraud in an Increasingly Digital World

Everywhere we look, we see some form of digital technology. People have access to computers, cellphones, televisions and even Wi-Fi-enabled smart appliances. Technology advances every day, giving way to exciting, innovative and life-changing experiences. Take cellphones, for example. Not too long ago, cellphones were a luxury. They were used simply to call people — texting…

How ransomware is creating a data backup explosion

While the WannaCry ransomware and Petya – a wiper disguised as ransomware – are two of the most recent headline-grabbers in the security world,  the truth is that we’ve been seeing this type of attack become more common over the past few years. Because data is the new oil in the digital economy, ransomware attacks…

Hacking smartphones with malicious replacement parts

Smartphone users can now add a new entry to the list of things they need to worry about: their phones being compromised via replacement parts. A group of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has demonstrated that hardware replacements – e.g. touchscreens, NFC readers, wireless charging controllers, and so on – can be equipped…